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Various Financial Applications

An important activity at Ionita Consulting is to provide development capacity, training, mentoring and support for financials. Over the past years we developed numerous methods, frameworks and calculation tools to improve administrative processes and activities.

We have created an automatic calculation and notification tool to manage over 100 syndicated facilities, some with 200+ lenders, for a portfolio worth over 8 bln euro.

The assignment included a number of technical aspects:

1. create a uniform way of calculating margins, interest, fees and rebates

2. standardise drawdown notifications and email format

3. automate reporting process, multi currency consolidations,

4. standardise reporting towards portfolio consolidation

5. document the framework and user guides

The tool successfully reduced manual operations, number of tasks per user and human error thanks to aggregated reporting and data sharing standardisation between lenders and borrowers.

We have also improved the collateral management, consolidation, and reporting for one of the largest commodities financiers in The Netherlands and worldwide.

The assignment included a number of aspects:

1. create a uniform way of booking collateral items

2. automate multi-currency option and include EOD / intra day FX rates

3. consolidate per collateral type and aggregate per client hierarchy

4. automate reporting process

5. integrate with other booking systems (loans, guarantees, LCs, etc.)

6. automate loan booking process

7. automate invoicing process

The improved system allowed business growth, reduced errors, simplified risk management and data sharing.

Overall the improvement was measured as 10-fold. Where a risk manager would have spent on average 10 hours per week in updating, monitoring, consolidating and reporting a client collateral position, the new process would take less than 1h.

Below a list of other projects and financial applications we have successfully delivered to our clients:

  • Commodities hedging and trading transaction systems

  • Commodities repo financing platforms

  • Commodities trading platforms

  • Commodities trading reporting systems

  • Implementation of lending, commodities and many other financial instruments trading platforms (e.g. Murex, Calypso,Loan IQ, T24, and many more)

  • Inventory management and financing systems

  • Limit management and reporting systems

  • Loan portfolio consolidation tools

  • Receivables discounting and financing calculations systems

  • Risk distribution systems

Project in Numbers


6 months

Team of




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